pre dem plat form .com
(Last updated: March 1, 2024)

Terms of use

Information Regarding the Use of the PREDEMPLATFORM.COM and the KOGNITIVTESZTEK.HU Websites and the PreDEM - Neurological Preventive Screening and Therapeutic Platform Application

Welcome to the and the websites (including their subdomains, content, trademarks, and services collectively referred to as the "website")!

The PreDEM - Neurological Preventive Screening and Therapeutic Platform web-based application (Accessible at: and ; hereinafter referred to as "PreDEM" and/or "application"), along with the website and their content, are owned and managed by NETIS Ltd., as the owner of the product (headquarters: 1134 Budapest, Váci út 45., VAT number: 14945375-2-41, company registration number: 01-10-046495; community tax number (or EU tax number): HU14945375; European unique identifier: HUOCCSZ.01-10-046495), holding proprietary and other rights, including operation and maintenance.

By entering the website and the application, you, as a User (hereinafter: "User"), are obligated to accept these Terms of Use, which come into immediate effect upon your first visit to the website. Therefore, before using the website, please carefully read the following to familiarize yourself with your legal rights and obligations.

Please be informed that by accessing the website and using the application, you expressly acknowledge and agree that you are entering into a legal relationship with Netis Ltd.

Every User, by visiting and browsing the website and the application, undertakes to use it at their own risk, as described herein. Furthermore, they understand and agree that they are obliged to comply with the conditions outlined here, as well as the privacy and cookie policies, and to adhere to legal requirements.

By using the website and the application, you voluntarily consent to accepting the terms of use and the handling of certain personal data. If you do not agree to accept these terms, please refrain from using the website or accessing the user account in the application!

The purpose of the website is to provide general information about the PreDEM application, its offerings, possibilities, and framework of use.

Netis Ltd. reserves the right to unilaterally modify these terms of use in compliance with legal requirements without prior individual notification, through updating this notice.

Acceptance of the terms (in accordance with the applicable Hungarian legal regulations regarding capacity): The website and the application are only accessible and usable for individuals aged 14 or older. Incapacitated individuals (e.g., minors under the age of 14) are not allowed to use the website and the application!

Minors with limited legal capacity (e.g., non-incapacitated minors who have reached the age of 14) can only visit or use the website and the application with the prior consent of their legal representative (parent, guardian, custodian, or similar legal status person).

The limitations of use and intellectual property rights

Visiting the website and using the application are subject to compliance with the Terms of Use outlined here and the applicable Hungarian laws.

Netis Ltd. owns the website and the application's content, including the materials placed there, trademarks, logos, domain names, all of which are protected by intellectual property laws and belong to Netis Ltd. The authorization for usage rights regarding these elements is solely granted by Netis Ltd.

The use of the website and the application is permissible only within the limits allowed by laws, including the provisions of Chapter IV of Act LXXVI of 1999 on copyright (fair use), enabling the user to download parts or materials made available by the website/application onto their personal computer/device for personal, non-commercial use, provided they respect the legal limits on the use of intellectual creations and other statutory provisions. The user's right to use is limited, non-transferable, and non-assignable.

Consequently, the User is not entitled to:

  1. Copy, distribute, modify, or use any part or whole of the website or the application without the prior written consent of Netis Ltd. (including but not limited to reproduction, distribution, public presentation, transmission to the public or further transmission, adaptation, exhibition);
  2. Use, modify, create derivative works, transfer (including but not limited to sale, resale, license, sublicense, download, or any other means), duplicate, distribute, display, or make the Netis Ltd. application available for commercial or public purposes without prior written authorization from Netis Ltd., except for content expressly permitted by Netis Ltd.;
  3. Disrupt servers or networks related to the website and the application;
  4. Use or initiate any automated system (including, but not limited to, "bots") to access the website;
  5. Circumvent, disable, or otherwise affect the security features of the website (including functions preventing or limiting content usage or copying) or
  6. Modify any settings or content of the website unless expressly provided by the website.

Please note that violation of the above entails adverse legal consequences for the infringing party. Netis Ltd. will take necessary actions to enforce its rights through legal proceedings or other means, including compensation for any damages incurred.

The User acknowledges being liable for full compensation to Netis Ltd. regarding the use or failure to use the website and the application, as well as damages resulting from the violation of these terms and conditions.

Content and trademarks:

  1. The entire content of the website and the application, including but not limited to texts, documents, articles, brochures, descriptions, products, software, graphics, photographs, audio and video files, interactive features, functions, and services (collectively referred to as the "content");
  2. As well as the trademarks and logos contained therein ("trademarks") are the exclusive property of Netis Ltd. and/or its licensing partners, protected by applicable copyright or other intellectual property laws and agreements. The name "PreDEM," the PreDEM logo, and other trademarks belong to Netis Ltd.

All other trademarks and logos used on the website are the trademarks or logos of their respective owners and are similarly protected as the PreDEM name and logo.

Netis Ltd. reserves all rights not expressly granted through bilateral agreements or stated on the website and content. Any use of content or trademarks of any nature is permitted only with the written permission of the respective content or trademark owner.

Use of content:  The website is solely intended for informing users for personel use.

The full or partial use of the content is solely within the user's responsibility.

The use of content outside the application, especially downloading or printing copies, is possible only with the prior consent of Netis Ltd. Even with consent, all copyright and ownership notices or other legally protected attributes or marks contained within must be respected, and their protection must be acknowledged.

Netis Ltd. endeavors to ensure that the information provided on the website and the application is up-to-date, corresponds to reality, and is accurate.

However, Netis Ltd. does not guarantee the accuracy, authenticity, completeness, or timeliness of the content on the website and the application and expressly excludes any responsibility in this regard to the extent permitted by law.

Netis Ltd. disclaims any liability related to the content of the website, access to it, or any failure thereof (excluding liability for intentional or grossly negligent damage), particularly excluding responsibility for:

  • inaccuracies or deficiencies in the information found on the website and the application;
  • damages resulting from authorized intrusion leading to changes in information or materials found ont he website and the application;
  • in general, for any damage ¬– regardless of its cause, origin, or consequences – whether: (i) you accessed or did not access the website, (ii) you used the website or the application, resulting in a virus infecting your computer or any device, and/or (iii) you believed information idirectly or directly conveyed by the website.

The limitation of liability does not exempt Netis Ltd. from complying with applicable Hungarian and EU regulations.

At the same time, Netis Ltd. reserves the right to change and develop the content of the website and the application at any time without prior notice.

By using the website and/or the application, the User acknowledges that the content presented on the website and the application does not replace medical advice and diagnosis.

Behavioral rules

The User agrees to abide by all applicable laws, rules, and regulations while using the website and the application. Netis Ltd. expects the User to respect both the laws and the rights and dignity of others.

The website and the application are prohibited from being used:

  • in a manner that violates applicable laws or regulations;
  • unlawfully or deceitfully, or in a way that has such an aim or effect;
  • for the purpose of causing harm or attempted harm, or to violate the lawful rights or dignity of others;
  • to impersonate another individual or legal entity - including, among others, representatives of Netis Ltd.;
  • for transmitting unsolicited or unauthorized advertisements or other promotional materials, or any similar form of business solicitation;
  • for framing or mirroring any part of the website;
  • to create a database by downloading and storing the content of the website;
  • for transmitting data or uploading materials that contain viruses, trojans, worms, spyware, adware, or similar computer code designed to adversely affect the operation of computer software or hardware;
  • and for unauthorized access to the website, the server used for its storage, or any other server, computer, or database related to the website. Any violation of these rules will be reported by Netis Ltd. to the competent law enforcement authorities, and upon their request, the identity of the rule violator will be disclosed.

It is expressly prohibited to use the website and the application for any actions, activities, or maintaining conditions that violate the law.

In the event that we become aware of any activities that breach these Terms of Use, or if the User publishes, transmits, or in any way provides information or materials that breach these Terms of Use through or in relation to the website, we reserve the right to remove such information or materials, restrict access to them, or immediately cease the User's access to the website.

Furthermore, we reserve the right to disclose the User's identity to any third party claiming that the content posted or uploaded by the User on the website or application violates their intellectual property rights, privacy rights, or has otherwise caused them harm.

Quid pro quo for the use of APP.PREDEMPLATFORM.COM and APP.KOGNITIVTESZTEK.HU – „PreDEM” / Payments to Netis Ltd.

The End-User License Agreement specifically states that access to and use of the website and application are currently free, except for specified cases (GOLD and PLATINUM subscriptions); however, NETIS Ltd. reserves the right to charge fees for certain accesses or usage in the future.

Payment of fees requires prior consent from the User. Failure to pay may result in Netis Ltd. withdrawing all or part of the user's rights to access or use the website or application.

Links (web preferences)

The website may contain links for informational purposes and allow Users to publish content on third-party websites not owned or controlled by Netis Ltd.

Netis Ltd. is not affiliated with the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party website and assumes no responsibility for them.

The User:

  1. Assumes sole responsibility for using third-party websites and accessing links associated with them, as well as for any content sent or posted on third-party websites; and
  2. Expressly releases Netis Ltd. from any liability arising from the use of any third-party website. Therefore, it's recommended to review the requirements, terms, and privacy policies of each external site you intend to visit.

Netis Ltd. allows linking to its website provided that:

  1. You link to a single page without creating a copy of it.
  2. The hyperlink text precisely describes the Content in the form it appears on the website.
  3. It doesn't misrepresent the relationship with PreDEM or Netis Ltd., or spread false information about them. It should not indicate that Netis Ltd. endorses any service or product unless prior explicit consent is given.
  4. You don’t create a link from a webpage ("third-party website") that prohibits links to third parties.
  5. The third-party website should not contain content that:
  6. Is offensive or controversial (subjective and subject to Netis Ltd.'s discretionary decision-making); or
  7. Infringes upon any person's or organization's intellectual property rights, rights to privacy, fundamental rights to personal integrity, or any other rights; and/or
  8. The User and their website comply with the terms provided here and the relevant laws.

User consent and the lawful collection or access to personal information on the website and in the app shall comply with the privacy and cookie policies.

The accessibility of the website

  1. It is not technically feasible for the website and the app to function flawlessly at all times and therefore Netis Ltd. cannot be held accountable,
  2. Errors may result in the temporary unavailability of the website and the app, and
  3. Factors beyond the control of Netis Ltd. - such as the transmission and telecommunication connections between PreDEM and your or other systems and networks - can adversely affect the website's operation.

Netis Ltd. and/or contractual partners reserve the right to periodically or permanently modify or interrupt the accessibility of the website, the app, or certain parts thereof to perform maintenance, improve, or alter them.

Netis Ltd. does not assume responsibility for any potential damages arising from modifications, suspension, or interruption of the availability of the website and the app.

Limited liability for damages

Under no circumstances shall the aggregate liability of Netis Ltd. exceed, as per the terms, the amount of fees paid by the User

Duration and termination:

These terms remain valid until Netis Ltd. revokes or terminates them, restricts the User's access, or until the User ceases to use them. Netis Ltd., at its discretion, may terminate the User's access to the website, the app, or any of its parts, at any time, with or without cause (including, without limitation, for violation of these terms). Netis Ltd. holds no responsibility towards the User or any third party for the termination of the website, the app, or any of its parts.

If the User objects to these terms, any part of them, their modifications, or becomes dissatisfied with the website in any way, they are not entitled to assert any claim for this reason. Should the User disagree with any part of these terms, they are obliged to immediately cease using the website or the app. Upon the termination of these terms, the User must discontinue the use of the website and/or the app. Provisions regarding intellectual property rights, data protection, limitation of liability, and clauses relating to legal entities remain valid even after the termination of these terms.

Entities relationship, exclusion of representation

The User and Netis Ltd. are independent legal entities. The User acknowledges that none of these terms create a partnership, joint venture, or employment relationship between the User and Netis Ltd. Under no circumstances is the User authorized to represent Netis Ltd., meaning they cannot provide any guarantee, make statements, exercise rights, or assume obligations on behalf of Netis Ltd.

These terms, along with the rights and permissions they grant, cannot be transferred by the User. However, Netis Ltd. can transfer them without limitation or prior notice to the User.


By visiting the website, the User agrees that Hungarian law shall apply to any disputes or claims arising from or related to the use of the website. The courts of Hungary shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any legal disputes that may arise.


Netis Ltd.
Address: 1134 Budapest, Váci Street 45.